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Healthcare Affordability and Access

The Problem: Healthcare costs are out of control, and patients often can't access the care they need in a timely manner. Even for those who have insurance, premiums, deductibles, and co-pays are so high that price is often still a barrier to patients who need care. 


  • Increase price transparency so patients can make educated decisions about the cost of care and procedures. 
  • Ensure that rural Minnesotans have access to care by retaining physicians, nurses, home health services, and care facilities in under-served rural areas. Keep our rural clinics and hospitals open!
  • Expand insurance networks and coverage so that patients don't have to travel great distances to get care they need. Patients should be able to see local doctors that they know and trust; patients shouldn't have to drive for an hour or more just to see a doctor who is "in network".
  • Expand affordable and accessible primary care options for patients. Patients with manageable conditions and illnesses should not have to wait until it becomes an emergency to get the care they need. Over-utilization of emergency services increases costs for everyone.

Prepared and Paid for by Ian English for House Committee
PO Box 432
Farmington, MN 55024
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